Connoisseurs know that the first bite is with the eye. Ensure all food served at your venue looks appetising by serving from our outstanding, well-designed food and buffet equipment. Scroll through our recommended items.
Our products are unique and designed to withstand years of use. From the flexible display options of the BuffetCube to the practical Room Service Trolley, and the sturdy tables you will find outstanding quality and value for money.

Environment it's perfect for
Whatever your function space, Burgess has a range of food and buffet equipment that will work with your changing needs. Burgess has a supply of food and buffet items that are multifunctional. From round folding tables to room service trolleys our tried and tested designs mean that if your next event is different, you can use the same equipment.

Comfort, Functionality, Quality
Burgess always aim to exceed expectations. Our food and buffet range stores food safety, it is also hygienic and easy to clean, and the outstanding quality means you will enjoy years of use from our products.

Overview, Features, Options
Burgess knows that our customers need flexibility from our designs, that’s why our food and buffet range has multiple options to expand your range. The unique designs are complimentary, so you can select whatever you want from our ranges or choose one specific look for your setting.

Burgess tables are designed with function and manual handling in mind allowing for smooth and easy change overs.
We have a wide range of accessories to further add to you function or make the storage of our product easier and efficient.
Full F & B Equipment
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