In a world where space management has become a major headache for hotels, restaurants and offices, many have turned to stacking chairs as a solution.
For businesses, stacking chairs should not be overlooked as the benefits outweigh non-stacking chairs more than you can imagine, and when the time comes, you’ll wish you had made the switch.
Stacking chairs are not just for special occasions
Let’s start with the obvious, it does exactly what it says on the tin. These chairs stack, which means you can accommodate large and small gatherings with ease. Some chairs stack higher than others, so choose carefully when you’re thinking about how many you need.
When people think of stacking chairs, their mind instantly transports themselves back to their school days of hard and uncomfortable seats. Well, time travel back to the present, and you’ll find chair technology has moved with the times, offering comfort, style and lumbar support support.
Are you sitting on a broken chair?
With castors, recliners, or adjustable chairs, there’s always the potential something can break. Many of us have had the experience of sitting in an adjustable chair, and something has broken. Maybe a wheel has come off, or you can no longer adjust the height or move it back to the right angle. It can be so frustrating and uncomfortable. Not to mention how annoying it is when someone has sat in your seat and adjusted it for the 5 minutes they have sat there for.

Although stacking chairs may not offer a wide range of sitting options, they can certainly provide suitable lumbar support for sitting over a prolonged period. They will also last far longer than the plastic fantastic “executive chair” that looks more at home on Star Trek.
Do you like saving money?
Save money by avoiding repairs or even replacing adjustable chairs when they break by using stacking chairs. Stacking chairs are far more cost-effective, and you can even have the luxury of purchasing more than you need just in case, as you won’t have to worry about the space they’ll take up. Extra seat needed, that’s never a problem with stacking chairs.
Lightweight and durable comes as standard
One of the key factors with stacking chairs is that they need to be lightweight and durable for quick and easy placement. You will no longer be pushing castor chairs one by one weaving in between tables like Lewis Hamilton, or doing laps carrying single chairs. Lifting these chairs can also a nightmare as the castors always smash against walls and tables, including your poor shins, and that’s speaking from experience!

Do you regularly move chairs around?
When it comes to moving chairs around, you certainly don’t want to be carrying them one at a time, it’s labour intensive and costly. Stacking chairs will often be available with chair trolleys so you can wheel more than you could ever carry safely and in a fraction of the time.

Save on storage and transport
Moving from one location to another could mean you need to store furniture. Storage units are expensive, so the less square footage you require, the better. Stacking chairs will allow you to store more in a much smaller space than non-stacking chairs. This also goes for transporting, rather than hiring a fleet of lorries, one or two will probably do the job with stacking chairs.
Do you have unused furniture taking up valuable space?
Whether you’re using the chairs for an office, event or conference, at some point, depending on the size of the venue or room and number of people, your requirements will change. You’ve probably seen many units and rooms recently full to the brim of unused furniture, bursting at the seams as the chairs don’t stack.

When you need more space, stacking chairs will make life a breeze. Find a corner and neatly stack the ones you don’t need. You won’t damage the frames, unlike non-stackable chairs, which is a balancing act that should only be performed at the circus.
More than one style
Stacking chairs are more than just about being functional. From classic to contemporary styles there are many different options. You can even change the colour of the frames and fabric to suit your interior.

Do your chairs make those noisy squeaking or creaking noises?
My personal pet hate are chairs that make noise even if you adjust your sitting position slightly. In quiet offices, events or conferences, you find yourself doing all you can to avoid the dreaded squeaking and creaking. Adjustable and castor chairs are constantly making these noises and what’s more annoying than you doing it yourself, is when someone else is fidgeting. In quiet places, this can be very distracting. Solid frames, with solid manufacturing will be seen but heard and will stand the test of time.